
Ocean Acidification
Event Card
PLAY: on 1 CORAL SPECIES card, and then discard.
EFFECT: The played CORAL SPECIES card is discarded immediately.

Bottom Trawling
Event Card
PLAY: on 1 COLD WATER CORAL SPECIES card, and then discard.
EFFECT: The played CORAL SPECIES card, as well as one other adjacent card of your choice, are discarded immediately.

Too Many Scuba Divers
Event Card
PLAY: On 1 WARM WATER CORAL SPECIES card, and then discard.
EFFECT: The played CORAL SPECIES card is discarded immediately.

Algae Takeover
Event Card
PLAY: can be played for below effect and then discarded.
EFFECT: Use any 1 ALGAE card in your hand, OR any 1 ALGAE card on the table. Place on top of any compatible CORAL card. Discard CORAL card: leave ALGAE card in its place.

Rising Ocean Temperature
Event Card
PLAY: on 1 PLANKTON SPECIES card and then discard.
EFFECT: The played PLANKTON SPECIES card is discarded immediately.

Oil Spill
Event Card
Play: Place this card on any ocean or fresh water based SPECIES card
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.