Basically, all images on the site used are defined under Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works International 4.0 Generic specifically for Phylo trading card game use”, except where noted. The reason why we did this is that this particular license is most inclusive of artists who would rather retain full copyright above and beyond use for this project. Note that some online cards have more open licenses as determined by the details of agreements made between the deck host and artists. High quality cards can have more restrictive copyright licenses as determined by details of agreements made between the deck host and artists
Card backs (pdf) are under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works International 4.0 Generic. This license can be adjusted to a Creative Commons Licensed Attribution 4.0 International if the cards/deck being produced also exist in a freely available online version. Please contact Dave Ng ( to arrange this change.
The game rules outlined on the site [1, 2, 3] will fall under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International. This way, others can use these game rules and also adapt accordingly. Although the core rules must keep this open license, any new edits to these existing game mechanics can be specifically given a new copyright license. [1] For the ecosystem building game, please include “, Honorah O’Neill” in your credits. [2] For the “process of science” game (i.e. the GSA deck or WISE deck), please include “Sydney Ang, Genevieve Leduc-Robert, Lu Li, and Sam MacKinnon.” [3] For the ecosystem building poker game variant, please include “, Honorah O’Neill, David Ng” in your credits.
The WordPress theme (soon to appear on Github) is released under a creative commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Please attribute the “UBC Office of Learning Technologies” and “”. If you would like to use the theme for commercial purposes, please contact Dave Ng at