Modifier Card

Join A Society
Modifier Card
The GSA has more than 5500 members worldwide, who work to advance the field of genetics to deepen our understanding of the living world.
Play: On your turn, use this card to look at the top 3 resource pile cards. Here, you may take 1, & return the other 2 to the top of the pile.

Grant Approved
Modifier Card
You just got funded!
Play: You may use this card in place of a SPECIES card for one project. You do not have to specify which species it is being used for until the project is complete.

Human Error!
Modifier Card
Something isn’t working! Perhaps your samples are contaminated, you lost your data, or forgot to feed your organism again.
Play: Place face up on another players species card. The covered species card is immediately placed in the burn pile along with this card.

Grant Approved
Modifier Card
You just got funded!
Play: You may use this card in place of a RESEARCH TECHNIQUE card for one project. You do not have to specify which technique it is being used for until the project is complete.