
Giant Kelp
Macrocystis pyrifera

Fact: Darwin is thought to be one of the first scientists to consider the ecological importance of kelp comparing them to an aquatic version of a forest of trees.
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Graphic by Rachel
Photo by Claire
Macrocystis pyrifera, commonly known as giant kelp or giant bladder kelp, is a species of kelp (large brown algae), and one of four species in the genus Macrocystis. Giant kelp is common along the coast of the easternPacific Ocean, from Baja California north to southeast Alaska, and is also found in the southern oceans nearSouth […] read more

Brown macroalgae
Sargassum spp.

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• Sargassum spp. is an ALGAE and PLANKTON SPECIES.
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Graphic by Emilie
Sargassum is a genus of brown (class Phaeophyceae) macroaldga (seaweed) in the order Fucales. Numerous species are distributed throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world, where they generally inhabit shallow water and coral reefs. However, the genus may be best known for its planktonic (free-floating) species. While most species within the class Phaeophyceae are predominantly cold […] read more

Giant Kelp
Macrocystis pyrifera

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Fact: Macrocystis pyrifera is one of the fastest-growing organisms on Earth, growing more than 60 centimetres per day
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Graphic by Lindsay
Giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera Scientific classification Kingdom: Chromalveolata Division: Heterokontophyta Class: Phaeophyceae Order: Laminariales Family: Laminariaceae Genus: Macrocystis Species: M. pyrifera Binomial name Macrocsytis pyrifera (L.) C.Ag.[1] Synonyms Fucus pyrifer L. Laminaria pyrifera (L.) Lamouroux M. humboldtii (Bonpland) C.Ag. M. planicaulis C. Agardh M. pyrifera var. humboldtii Bonplan. Macrocystis pyrifera, commonly known as Giant kelp […] read more

Bull Kelp
Nereocystis luetkeana

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• Nereocystis luetkeana has a SPREAD of 1. Nereocystis luetkeana most likely gets its common name from its similarity to a bull-whip.
Cool, Warm
Graphic by Coral
Nereocystis (Greek for “mermaid’s bladder”) is a genus of kelp. It forms thick beds on rocks, and is an important part of kelp forests. There is only one species, Nereocystis luetkeana. It can grow to a maximum of 74 meters. Nereocystis has aholdfast of about 40 centimeters, and a single stipe, topped with a pneumatocyst containing carbon monoxide, from which sprout […] read more