AMNH Pterosaur Starter Deck
2014 – (See Cards | Deck Info | Download | Purchase)…
This deck uses images and information from the vast collections of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, especially the 2014 special exhibition Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs. The game consists of 38 different cards, includes “extinct” organisms, and utilizes a simplified version of the game to compensate for unavailable facts.

I Don’t Think So!
Event Card
Play: this card on your opponent’s turn when they use an event card against you.
Effect: Stop the effect of their event card and discard both event cards.

Therapod Attack
Event Card
In Morocco, scientists found the tracks of a therapod (a type of carnivorous dinosaur) among those of pterosaurs. Did dinosaurs pose a threat to pterosaurs? Evidence is scarce, but some fossils suggest they did.
Play: on any pterosaur SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and leave this card in its place.

Climate Change
Event Card
The climate has shifted.
Play: on any SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and leave this event card on the table, permanently occupying this space.

Dead Pterosaur
Event Card
Pterosaurs aren’t immune to this fact of life: death!
Play: on any pterosaur SPECIES card and leave it there.
Effect: The pterosaur SPECIES card can be left on the table – the population survives but has been reduced in number. Point value of the card is reduced by 2.

Event Card
The season has changed. Time to move!
Play: on any level 3 SPECIES card.
Effect: Turn this level 3 SPECIES card around and take control of it.

Event Card
A volcano has erupted, wiping out larger reptiles in this land or water area.
Play: on any level 1 or 2 SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and freeze movement of all adjacent cards (horizontal and vertical) for one round.