Boreal Biome Deck (in progress)
2017 – (See Cards | Deck Info | Purchase)…
This set was designed by Jonathan DeMoor and Elly Knight to highlight boreal forest ecosystems. The boreal biome encircles the northern pole of the planet north of the 50th parallel and is found in Canada, Russia, and the Nordic countries. Note that the purchasable and downloadable versions focus on three different terrain designations (Upland, Lowland, and Anthropogenic) and are not compatible with other Phylo decks.

Event Card
Play: Protection: halts the effects of a development or destruction event.
Fact: Biologists protect species by studying their ecology, managing their populations, and helping to uphold environmental legislation.

Protected Area
Event Card
Play: Protection: halts the effects of a development or destruction event.
Fact: Protected areas conserve ecologically important habitats and processes, and maintain healthy populations of native species.

Event Card
Play: Protection: halts the effects of a development or destruction event.
Fact: Effective species at risk, environment assessment, and protected area legislation is critical for conserving biodiversity.

Climate Change
Event Card
Play: Complex and hard to predict (for this game though, see the rules)
Fact: Climate change is expected to dry up the boreal forest, causing more wildfire, disease, and a shift or loss of plant and animal species.

Event Card
Play; Destruction: removes species, and can not be recolonized
Fact: Roads remove habitat, create barriers for wildlife, increase noise, and contribute to pollution. Direct mortality (roadkill) is a problem too.

Event Card
Play: Development: removes species, recolonized by anthropogenic species.
Fact: Habitat clearing is required to construct pipelines, but many species return after construction. The risk of oil spills remains.