Microbe Collection
Ongoing – (See Cards)…
This set simply aims to collect “microorganisms” as loosely as defined as those species that are multicellular, singled cell or smaller (essentially SCALE value of 3 or less). Given the incredible diversity and abundance of species in this category, the Phylo project is hopeful that this collection will grow to represent this important part of biodiversity.
Leishmania colombiensis5 POINTS
El Movimiento: 1
Juego: Debe jugarse junto al Jején (Lutzomyia longipalpis) o junto a un animal al que infecte y le quita dos puntos de valor en el juego.
Dato: L. colombiensis es transmitida por la picadura de un Jején infectado.
Hemileia vastatrix5 POINTS
El Movimiento: 2
Juego: Este hongo causa enfermedades en plantas (fitopatógeno). Se juega junto a una planta y le quita un punto de valor en el juego.
Dato: Hemileia vastatrix causa la Roya del café. La peor epidemia de Roya en Colombia se dio en los años 80.
Multiple Orders2 POINTS
PLAY: Phytoplankton has a MOVE of 1
FACT: Phytoplankton are the main source of food for almost all fish.
Penicillium chrysogenum2 POINTS
Fact: The antibiotic, Penicillin G, is derived from this species of fungus.
Amoeba genus7 POINTS
Play: Thecamoeba has a MOVE of 2, and is considered an HETEROTROPH.
Fact: Amoebas are often defined as unicellular organisms with no defined shape.
Diatom group2 POINTS
Play: Pinnularia is considered an AUXOTROPH.
Fact: Pinnularia are common form of phytoplankton and have cell walls made of slilica (called a frustule).