Winter berry

lex verticillata
Scale 6 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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info: winter berries are berries that you eat in the winter

Play: this plant has a move of 1

cold, cool, warm

Graphic by Norma Rose Point School

Diamondback Rattlesnake

Crotalus atrox
Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

*When threatened, they rattle their tails as a warning.
*Venom is a hemotoxin and is quite potent.

warm, hot

Graphic by Texas Deck

Devil’s Cigar

Chorioactis geaster
Scale 5 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2

*Only found in Texas and Japan.
*Releases a smokey cloud of spores when it opens.

cool, warm

Graphic by Texas Deck

Domesticated Apple Tree

Malus domestica
Scale 8 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1


FACT: Apple trees produce tasty apples!

PLAY: Apple trees don’t move.

cool, warm

Graphic by Norma Rose Point School

Grey Wolf

Canis Lupus
Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

PLAY: Grey Wolf has a move of 2.
FACT: The alpha female and alpha male wolves of a pack usually mate for life.

cold, cool, warm, hot

Graphic by Norma Rose Point School

Apple Tree

Malus Domestica
Scale 8 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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FACT: Apples are famous and delicious fruits.

cool, warm

Graphic by Norma Rose Point School