DIY Cards
Coscinodiscus radiatus10 POINTS
Heterokontophyta, Coscinodiscophyceae
Although it only reaches a maximum size of 0.5mm, this diatom is one of the largest diatom species and is an important food source for small and juvenile crustaceans.
Habitats: rocky shore, open water
Tufted sea moss
Cladophora rupestris6 POINTS
Plantae, Ulvophyceae
The tufted sea moss is a species of filamentous green algae, commonly eaten some parts of the world, including Laos.
Habitats: rocky shore
Bladder wrack
Fucus vesiculosus5 POINTS
Chromalveolata, Heterokontophyta, Phaeophyceae
This seaweed is one of the most common algae in the UK. This algae provides shelter for smaller animals.
Habitats: rocky shore
Agilisaurus3 POINTS
PLAY: Agilisaurus had a MOVE of 3
FACT: Nicknamed “Agile lizard” due to its long lower leg bones this dinosaur weighed about as much as a cocker spaniel.
Forest Fire
Event cardPlay: Place this card on top of any SPECIES card.
EFFECT: The SPECIES is IMMEDIATELY discarded. Leave the FOREST FIRE card on the table, and no new cards can be placed adjacent to this card for the remainder of the game.
Stegosaurus4 POINTS
PLAY: Stegasaurus had a MOVE of 2
FACT: When threatened it turned its head back to look over its shoulder, to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail.