Ocean Wise Fishing

Event Card

• Play on any actinopterygii (fish) species

• Overfishing cards cannot be placed on that species anymore

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by aamdeck

Kelp Perch

Brachyistius frenatus
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Brachyistius frenatus has a MOVE of 1 • Brachyistius frenatus can be played next to species of fish greater in scale, because it can eat parasites from them.  



Graphic by aamdeck

Whitecap Limpet

Acmaea mitra
Scale 4 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2


Acmaea mitra has a MOVE of ½ (1 every 2nd action)

• Acmaea mitra can only be played next to algae cards (no cyanobacteria or plantae species)


Graphic by aamdeck

Bat Star

Patiria miniata
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


Patiria miniata has a SPREAD of 1

Patiria miniata covers its food in digestive enzymes before it ingests it

Cold, Cool

Graphic by aamdeck

Seacoast Angelica

Angelica lucida
Scale 5 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1


Angelica lucida has a SPREAD of 1 (requires pollinator)

Angelica lucida is in the celery family

Cool, Warm

Graphic by aamdeck

Red Laver

Porphyra abbottiae
Scale 6 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1


Porphyra abbottiae has a SPREAD of 1

Along with humans, some marine animals such as limpets, chitons, and snails also eat this seaweed

Cool, Warm

Graphic by aamdeck