DIY Cards
Red-Winged Blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus3 POINTS
Play: Agelaius phoeniceus has a FLIGHT of 2.
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Artist’s Conk
Ganoderma applanatum5 POINTS
Ganoderma applanatum is a decomposer. It grows on dead trees and helps to break them down.
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Ondatra zibethicus4 POINTS
Play: Ondatra zibethicus has a MOVE of 2.
Ondatra zibethicus eats Typha latifolia.
cold, cool, warm, hot
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Raw Sewage Release
Event CardRaw sewage is accidentally released into the Fraser River.
Play: Play this card on any marine species.
Effect: The species card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Coastal Development
event cardDevelopers build a restaurant on Shady Island.
Play: Play this card on any terrestrial species or sea grass.
Effect: The species card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Jet Fuel Spill
Event CardA Jet fuel on the way to the airport spills into the Fraser River.
Play: Play this card on any marine species.
Effect: The species card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.
Graphic by Homma Elementary