Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Alex Delafontaine
Phenotype: Golden fur with black spots, 4m long, fur camouflage.
Range: Africa, Asia, Middle East
Interesting facts: Can drag prey up to 3x its body weight. Can hear 5x more sounds than humans.

Tyrannosaurus rex (Tyrannosaurs)
Isaac Silva
Phenotype: 12 m long, 4 m tall at hip, over 5 tons.
Time Range: Late Cretaceous
Interesting facts: Largest teeth of any carnivorous dinosaur (12in); long and heavy tail contained over 40 vertebrae.

Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri)
Katya Choodnovskiy
Phenotype: Silver & orange or black, 60cm, sharp teeth.
Range: Eastern and Central South America
Interesting Facts: Bloodthirsty and can consume large mammals & birds.

Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)
Kailash Eaton
Phenotype: 60 ft. long, 70 tons.
Time Range: Cenozoic Era
Interesting facts: Its large mouth had multiple rows of razor sharp teeth, each 4 inches long.

Spider Monkey (Ateles)
Zoe Balestri
Phenotype: Black, brown, golden & red. 6 ft span. Elongated arms, legs & tail.
Range: Tropics of Mexico and South & Central America
Interesting Facts: Screeches & barks to communicate; Females are dominant.

Asian Giant Hornet (V. mandarinia)
Leo Choodnovskiy
Phenotype: 50mm long, black head, yellow and black abdomen, 6mm stinger.
Range: East Asia
Interesting Fact: Venom is lethal, even known to kill yaks. Kills 30-40 humans annually.

Triceratops (Triceratops)
Michelle Maldonado
Phenotype: 8-9m long, 2-3m tall, 6-12 tons.
Time Range: Late Cretaceous
Interesting facts: Horns and frills used for display and combat, attracting mates, intimidating rivals and fighting predators.

Ankylosaurus (Ankylosauridae)
Matthew Holly
Phenotype: 7.5 -10.5 meters long, 2.5 meters tall, 4000-7000kg.
Time Range: Middle Jurassic
Interesting facts: It had armored plates all over its body except for its stomach. Its club like tail was for defense.