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Leopard (Panthera pardus)

Alex Delafontaine

Phenotype: Golden fur with black spots, 4m long, fur camouflage.  

Range: Africa, Asia, Middle East

Interesting facts:  Can drag prey up to 3x its body weight. Can hear 5x more sounds than humans.


Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Tyrannosaurus rex (Tyrannosaurs)

Isaac Silva

Phenotype: 12 m long, 4 m tall at hip, over 5 tons.

Time Range: Late Cretaceous

Interesting facts: Largest teeth of any carnivorous dinosaur (12in); long and heavy tail contained over 40 vertebrae.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
The T-rex walked on two legs, balancing its huge head with a long and heavy tail that sometimes contained over 40 vertebrae. read more

Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri)

Katya Choodnovskiy

Phenotype: Silver & orange or black, 60cm, sharp teeth.

Range: Eastern and Central South America

Interesting Facts:  Bloodthirsty and can consume large mammals & birds.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
P. Nattereri adjfkaejf read more

Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)

Kailash Eaton

Phenotype60 ft. long, 70 tons.

Time Range: Cenozoic Era

Interesting facts: Its large mouth had multiple rows of razor sharp teeth, each 4 inches long.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
Megalodon was a prehistoric shark that went extinct around 2 mya ago and weighed almost 70 ton . Although a sheer representation of brute force with an apetite the size of a whale, Megalodon chose the peaceful pacific ocean as it’s abode rather then venturing to other, precarious bodies of water. read more

Spider Monkey (Ateles)

Zoe Balestri

Phenotype: Black, brown, golden & red.  6 ft span. Elongated arms, legs & tail.

Range: Tropics of Mexico and South & Central America 

Interesting Facts: Screeches & barks to communicate; Females are dominant.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Asian Giant Hornet (V. mandarinia)

Leo Choodnovskiy

Phenotype: 50mm long, black head, yellow and black abdomen, 6mm stinger.

Range: East Asia

Interesting Fact: Venom is lethal, even known to kill yaks. Kills 30-40 humans annually.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
The Asian Giant Hornet (Vespa Mandarinia) is known is Asia as the Yak killer and is the largest hornet in the world. Around 30-40 people die a year from the hornets’ fatal venom. read more

Triceratops (Triceratops)

Michelle Maldonado

Phenotype:  8-9m long, 2-3m tall, 6-12 tons.

Time Range:  Late Cretaceous 

Interesting facts: Horns and frills used for display and combat, attracting mates, intimidating rivals and fighting predators.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
Physical Characteristics:   Habitat:   Interesting Facts: The name ‘Triceratops’ is a mix of Greek syllables: “tri” meaning “three”, “kèras” meaning “horn” and “ops” meaning “face”.  The horns and frills were used for display and combat to attract mates, intimidate rivals and fight other Ceratopsians. read more

Ankylosaurus (Ankylosauridae)

Matthew Holly

Phenotype: 7.5 -10.5 meters long,  2.5 meters tall, 4000-7000kg.

Time Range: Middle Jurassic

Interesting facts: It had armored plates all over its body except for its stomach. Its club like tail was for defense.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
Ankylosaurus has armored plates all over its body except for its stomach which is extremely hard to reach because of its  heavy stature. It uses its tail as a weapon because it doesn’t have sharp teeth and it cannot move very fast. read more


Year 4
Scale 4
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This is a year card. Place three Major cards next to it on your side of the table to complete the year and get another turn. Complete all years to attempt finals!

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