Red Elderberry – Structure – 1
Sambucus racemosa
The structure is thin, with lots of small leaves.
Uses: in the central and northern coast people eat them and make wine and jelly.
Location: behind the school

Red Elderberry – Leaves 3
Sambucus racemosa
Uses: jelly, bat toxic Location: school back yard

Red Elderberry – Leaves 2
Sambucus racemosa
Opposite, deciduous, large, diveded into 5-7 leaflets; the leaflets lance shaped, 5-15 cm long, pointed, sharply toothed, often somewhat hairy beneath.

Red Elderberry – Leaves 1
Sambucus racemosa
Leaves: opposite, deciduous, large, divided into 5-7 lance-shaped leaflets, 5-15 cm long, pointed, sharply toothed, often somewhat hairy beneath. Uses: no uses due to the toxic
Found: behind the school, near the portables, Janet’s & grade 1’s class

Big Leaf Maple – Leaves
Acer macrophyllum
Description: green, looks like hand, skin is bumpy and soft
Uses: Food for animals
School location: little playground behind fence

Big Leaf Maple – Bark
Acer macrophyllum
Description: 36 meter, greyish brown
Uses: gives shade, makes paper
School Location: beside little playground in the forest

Big Leaf Maple – Flowers
Acer macrophyllum
Flowers: oval shape and greenish yellow
Uses: food and dishes and pipes and ropes
Location: north

Pacific Dogwood – Bark
Cornus nuttallii
Description: bark smooth and grey. Uses: can eat berries but bitter School Yard Location: play area