igneous, quartz, feldspar, batholith, intraplate, Squamish Chief, >70% silica2 POINTS
Granite is the most abundant intrusive rock on continents.
Graphic by Lake City Secondary

Marie Curie

Marie Curie (born Maria Salomea Skłodowska)
*Discovered Polonium and Radium
*First woman to win a Nobel Prize
*Born in Poland but lived in France
Graphic by X Ngo

Event Card
The person next to you in the elevator is coughing. You inhale the cold virus.
Graphic by McNair Secondary

Event Card
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Your partner sneezes on you. You get the flu virus.
Graphic by McNair Secondary

Event Card
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You or your partner did not use protection. You contracted HPV.
Graphic by McNair Secondary

Point Card
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An antibody has been made by your B-cells to attach a viral antigen.
Graphic by McNair Secondary

Point Card
B Cells
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Your B-Cells have been chemically notified by the T-Cells that there is a virus present in your body.
Graphic by McNair Secondary