
Rhododendron arboreum

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FACT: This rhododendron tree is the national flower of Nepal. This plant also holds the Guinness Record for the tallest Rhododendron!
cool, warm
Graphic by Pramit
Rhododendron arboreum, the tree rhododendron,[1] is an evergreen shrub or small tree with a showy display of bright red flowers. It is found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Thailand. It is the national flower of Nepal. In India it is the state tree of Uttarakhand and state flower of Nagaland. Its specific epithet means “tending to be woody or growing in a tree-like form”. It has been recorded as reaching heights of 20 m (66 ft),[2] though more usually 12 m […] read more

Dwarf Birch
Betula nana

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FACT: The Dwarf birch was one of the first “trees” to grow on the bare soil after the ice disappeared.
cold, cool
Graphic by Thøgersen&Stouby |
Betula nana, the dwarf birch,[2] is a species of birch in the family Betulaceae, found mainly in the tundra of the Arctic region. It is a monoecious shrub growing up to 1–1.2 m high. The bark is non-peeling and shiny red-copper colored.[3] The leaves are rounded, 6–20 mm diameter, with a bluntly toothed margin. The leaves are a darker green on their upper surface. Leaf growth occurs after snow […] read more

Trembling Aspen
Populus tremuloides

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Fact: New aspen trees grow from the roots of adjacent trees. This clonal nature makes aspen the heaviest and oldest living organism.
cold, cool
Graphic by Jonathan
Populus tremuloides is a deciduous tree native to cooler areas of North America, one of several species referred to by the common name aspen. It is commonly called quaking aspen,[1][2][3] trembling aspen,[1][2] American aspen,[2]Quakies,[1] mountain or golden aspen,[4] trembling poplar,[4] white poplar,[4]popple,[4] and even more names.[4] The trees have tall trunks, up to 25 meters […] read more

Pedunculate Oak
Quercus robur

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Fact: Quercus robur is a large deciduous tree, and is also known as the English Oak.
cool, warm
Graphic by O.W. Thome (1884)
Quercus robur is commonly known as the English oak or pedunculate oak or French oak. It is nativeto most of Europe, and to Anatolia to the Caucasus, and also to parts of North Africa. Quercus robur is a large deciduous tree, with circumference of grand oaks from 4 m (13 ft) to exceptional 12 m (39 ft).[citation needed] The […] read more

Palestine Oak
Quercus calliprinos

Fact: Quercus calliprinos can grow as large as 18m tall, unless heavily browsed by goats! (then they reach a maximum of 3m)
Warm, Hot
Graphic by Aisha
Photo by Gideon
Quercus calliprinos, the Palestine Oak, is an oak in the turkey oak section Quercus sect. Cerris. It is native to easternMediterranean region and southwest Asia, from northern Algeria and Turkey east across the Middle East. Quercus calliprinos is a small to medium-sized tree or large shrub reaching 5–18 m tall (often only 1–3 m tall where heavily browsed by goats) and 1 m trunk diameter. It […] read more