Group I

Enterobacteria phage λ
Lambda phage-coliphage λ

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Play: λ Phage is a PARASITE of (any) E. coli card.
Play: 2 λ phage cards played under 1 E. coli card will result in the discard of all 3 cards.
Play: A λ phage and an E. coli can be played together as a single action.
cool, warm
Graphic by José F.
Enterobacteria phage λ (lambda phage, coliphage λ) is a temperate bacteriophage that infects Escherichia coli. Lambda phage is a virus particle consisting of a head, containing double-stranded linear DNA as its genetic material, and a tail that can have tail fibers. The phage particle injects its DNA into its host through the tail, and the […] read more

Enterobacteria phage T4
T4 phage

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Play: T4 Phage is a PARASITE of (any) E. coli card.
Play: 2 T4 phage cards played under 1 E. coli card will result in the discard of all 3 cards.
Play: A T4 phage and an E. coli can be played together as a single action.
cool, warm
Graphic by
Enterobacteria phage T4 is a bacteriophage that infects E. coli bacteria. Its DNA is 169-170 kbp long, and is held in an icosahedral head. T4 is a relatively large phage, at approximately 90 nm wide and 200 nm long (most phages range from 25 to 200 nm in length). Its tail fibres allow attachment to a host […] read more