
Red Huckleberry
Vaccinium parvifolium

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Fact: Huckleberry is a versatile plant that is tasty to eat fresh and can be made into fruit leather or pie. Indigenous communities also used it as a cold remedy and as fish bait because the berries look like salmon eggs.
cool, warm
Graphic by Fraser Wagner

Williamsonia Gigas
Williamsonia gigas

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Fact: This is a seed plant that resembled cycads and belonged to the group, Bennettitales.It produced flowers up to 10 cm in length
cool, warm, hot
Graphic by Dinosaurs Unearthedwww.dinosaursunearthed.com/
Williamsonia is an extinct genus of plant belonging to Bennettitales, an order of seed plants which bore a resemblance to cycads. Fossilized specimens of Williamsonia have been discovered worldwide.[1][3] (From: Wikipedia, February 2017) read more