*(Gender Inequity) Women in Health Research
(NEW) 2020 – (Sample Cards | Download game and rules* | Purchase)…
This deck, hosted by the Michael Smith Laboratories, is a STARTER deck for a hand building game that looks at the challenges in gender inequity from a health perspective. This includes topics that look at societal elements as well as those with a medical angle. This deck is a stand alone game, and was designed to showcase a more authentic and therefore more thought provoking take at diversity issues.
*Note that the game is played in similar fashion to the Phylo GSA deck and the Phylo WWEST WISE deck (see game play here), except that there is an addition of a mechanic that divides negative cards from positive cards (see downloadable rules above for more details).
.A study* on 1.58 million elderly patients, has shown a 0.43% lower death rate if the treating physician was female versus male. Possible reasons for this may include adhering to clinical guidelines, and using more patient centred communication.
.The bacterial community in a vagina plays an important role in health. Much research has been done to characterize these communities to determine what constitutes a healthy “microbiome.” This research aims to consider how having an unhealthy microbiome can contribute to diseases and health conditions.
.People with mutations at the CYP21A2 gene can have elevated levels of male hormones. This can, among other things, lead to ambiguous genitalia in females. This disease is one of many that are genetically determined and result in intersex outcomes.
.Stroke is the third leading cause of death for females in the US. In fact, one in five will experience a stroke in their lifetime. There are only a few therapeutic options right now, and some feel that this may be due to the fact that research has largely been done with only male rodent animals.