DIY Cards
Common House Spider
Parasteatoda tepidariorum1 POINTS
PLAY: Common House Spider has a move of 1
Fact: This type of spider is the most encountered spider in North America.
cold, cool, warm, hot
Graphic by Norma Rose Point School
Common House Spider
Parasteatoda Tepidariorum1 POINTS
PLAY: Common House Spider has a move of 1
FACT: This type of spider is the most encountered spider in North America.
cold, cool, warm, hot
Graphic by Norma Rose Point School
Caudata3 POINTS
PLAY: Salamander has a move of 2.
FACT: Salamanders live in caves, sometimes.
cool, warm
Graphic by Norma Rose Point School
Garter Snake
Thamnophis elegans terrestris5 POINTS
PLAY: Garter Snake has a move of 1
FACT: Garter Snake is the common name given to harmless, small sized snakes.
cool, warm
Graphic by Norma Rose Point School
Corvus2 POINTS
PLAY: Crow has a flight of 1.
FACT: Crows are scavengers, which means they will eat things that find as long as it’s not alive.
cool, warm
Graphic by Norma Rose Point School