DIY Cards
Mallard Duck
Anas platyrhynchos
• Mallard ducks have orange legs and webbed feet so they can swim faster.
• Their feet are webbed like when we wear fins.
Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot
Graphic by Sara Shayan
Canada Goose
Branta canadensis• Canada Geese swim with their webbed feet by kicking underwater. • The babies can swim and do back flips but they can’t fly until they get older.
Cool, Warm
Graphic by Sara Shayan
Mallard Duck
Anas platyrhynchos
• Mallard ducks swim in the water.
• The female has a brownish body and an orange and black beak.
Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot
Graphic by Sara Shayan
Canada Goose
Branta canadensis
• Canada Geese eat grass, grains and berries. Then they poop.
• They lay eggs in a grass nest on the ground.
Cool, Warm
Graphic by Sara Shayan
Mallard Duck
Anas platyrhynchos
• Mallard ducks have orange legs and webbed feet so they can swim faster.
• Their feet are webbed like when we wear fins.
Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot
Graphic by Sara Shayan