DIY Cards
Marie & Pierre Curie
Physicists 1867-1934 and 1859-1906Parker POINTS
Home: Poland/France
Awards: Marie: 2 Nobel Prizes (1 shared with Pierre & Henri Becquerel)
Notable Students: Irene Joliot-Curie (daughter)
Quote: Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas
Discovery/Theory card
Artificial RadioactivityParker POINTS
Misinterpreting results lead to not discovering the neutron / Starting a new investigation by bombarding aluminum with helium alpha particles converted stable aluminum atoms into radioactive atoms – artificially creating radioactive atoms / Also produced radioactive nitrogen from boron and radioactive silicon from magnesium
Irène & Frédéric Joliot-Curie
Physicists 1897-1956 and 1900-1958Parker POINTS
Home: France
Awards: Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Notable Advisors: Marie and Pierre Curie (parents)
Quote: For my part, I consider science to be the paramount interest of my life.
Discovery/Theory card
Planetary model of the atomParker POINTS
Investigating the deflection of alpha particles by atoms lead to rethinking the nature of the atom / Large-angle deflections could not be explained by the old model / The change in the path of some alpha particles is due to a small, densely packed centre of positive charge called the nucleus.
Ernest Rutherford
Physicist 1871-1937Parker POINTS
Home: New Zealand/United Kingdom
Awards: Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Copley Medal, more
Notable Advisors: JJ Thomson
Quote: All science is either physics or stamp collecting
Discovery/Theory card
The Charge of an ElectronParker POINTS
Measuring the charge of an electron by spraying oil drops in a chamber and exposing them to X rays, thereby making them positively or negatively charged. Negatively charged oil drops were moved upward by adjusting the electric charge and knowing the weight of the drop, the mass of the electron was discovered.