DIY Cards
Douglas Fir
Peeudotsuga menziesii3 POINTS
The life-span of a Douglas Fir is anywhere from 500 to 1000 years. Douglas Firs can grow up to 75 meters.
Lady Fern
Athyrium filix-femina3 POINTS
The name lady fern refers to its reproductive structure.
Barred Owl
Strix varia8 POINTS
Strix varia has a FLIGHT of 2.
One interesting fact about a barred owl is that its hoot sounds like someone is saying (( who cooks for you )) (( who cooks for all )). The barred owl’s diet is mostly small animals.
Ensatina salamander
Ensatina eschscholtzii8 POINTS
Ensatina eschscholtzii has a MOVE of 2
Ensatinas are common on Burnaby Mountain. An ensatina eats ants grasshoppers groundspiders and sow bugs.
Snowy Owl
Bubo scandi acus5 POINTS
Bubo scandi acus has a FLIGHT of 2.
The Snowy Owl is one of the largest and heaviest owls in North America.
Stellars jay
Cyanocitta stelleri4 POINTS
Cyanocitta stelleri have a FLIGHT of 2
Stellars jays fly thousands of kilometres every year. They eat bird eggs, insects, berries, nestlings, and small rodents and reptiles.