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Yeti Crab

William D.
Hierachy 2

Hair-like setae cover the crab’s body which help this blind crustacean sense its surroundings. The discovery of the Yeti crab has led to the creation of a new crutacean family- Kiwaidae. Yeti crabs eat mussels and bacteria.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Zoarcid Fish (Eelpout)

Aaron P.
Hierachy 3

A top predator in the hydrothermal vent community. Eats almost anything including crabs, shrimp, and tubeworms.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Glass Sponge

Dayton H.
Hierachy 1

Glass Sponge skeletons are made entirely of silica – making their bodies rigid. Although Glass Sponges can be found in oceans all over the world they are especially abundant in Antarctic seas. Sponges pass water through their bodies and feed on tiny particles. A Glass Sponge skeleton containing a pair of shrimp is often given as a wedding gift in Japan.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Vent Shrimp

Elena G.
Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 1

These shrimp host bacteria found near sulfide rich chimneys in their gills which they also eat. Vent Shrimp often gather in very large groups and can dominate hydrothermal vents. Although they lack eyes, Vent Shrimp have developed dorsal eye spots which may be used to sense thermal radiation.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Spaghetti Worm

Liliana F.

Deep Sea Spaghetti Worms can be found in the Pacific Ocean. They attach to rocks near hydrothermal vents and can grow to be 10 feet long (3 meters). Scientists are still unsure what Spaghetti Worms eat and know very little about their lives.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Hydrothermal Vent Snail

Carolina F.
Hierachy 1

Shares a symbiotic relationship with chemosynthetic bacteria. The snail provides a home for the bacteria within their gills while the bacteria make food from nutrients released from hydrothermal vents. Crabs, fish, shrimp, and other snails prey on Hydrothermal Vent Snails. Alviniconcha larvae can swim long distances in search of new vents!

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Vulcan Octopus

Katie D.
Hierachy 3

This is a top predator in the hydrothermal vent system feeding on amphipods

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Tube Worm

Dean Z.
Hierachy 1

Filter feeder found close to opening of vents.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado

Deep Sea Dandelion (Thermopalia taraxaca)

Janice Caceres
Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 2

Can feed on tiny crustaceans that can be found around the vents. Like other Siphonores it’s actually a whole colony of tiny creatures, each one known as a zooid, and all working together for mutual benefit. Attempts to retrieve them usually fail because the animals let go of each other and the animal falls apart.

Graphic by Bilexis Casado
Predators: Diet: Can feed on tiny crustaceans that can be found around the vents. Like other Siphonores it’s actually a whole colony of tiny creatures, each one known as a zooid, and all working together for mutual benefit. Attempts to retrieve them usually fail because the animals let go of each other and the animal […] read more