Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps

Bearded dragons are very calm. They come from Australia. They are called bearded dragons because when they are angry, the spines on their throat puff out.

I Don’t Think So!
PLAY this card on another player’s turn when they use an event card against you. EFFECT: Stop the effect of their event card and discard this card.


Cockroaches existed before pterosaurs and dinosaurs. The first fossils of modern cockroaches appeared in the Early Cretaceous period. Point Value: 2 Ptero Tidbit: When scientists find a small pterosaur they try to determine whether it was a juvenile or an adult member of a small species of pterosaur.



Waterscorpions are insects, but are not closely related to true scorpions. Point Value: 3 Ptero Tidbit: The earliest pterosaurs we know about were roughly the size of a seagull.


Dragonflies are among the fastest and most ancient flying insects in the world! Point Value: 2 Ptero Tidbit: Pterosaurs were neither birds nor bats. They were flying reptiles that lived between ~220 and ~66 million years ago.


Fossils of these small freshwater fish have been found in large groups suggesting they congregated in sandbars. Point Value: 2 Ptero Tidbit: Pterosaurs were the first animals after insects to evolve powered flight—not just leaping or gliding, but flapping their wings to generate lift and traveling long distances through the air.


The fan-shaped leaves of this ancient ginkgo tree, now, extinct, are similar to modern ginkgo leaves. Point Value: 1 Ptero Tidbit: When pterosaurs walked, they tucked in their wings. The fourth finger was connected to the hand by a roller joint, so the wings could fold like umbrella spokes.