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Theropod Attack!


In Morocco, scientists found the tracks of a theropod (a type of carnivorous dinosaur) among those of pterosaurs. Did dinosaurs pose a threat to pterosaurs? Evidence is scarce, but some fossils suggest they did. PLAY on one pterosaur to remove it from the game and leave this card in its place.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Pterodaustro guinazui

Scale 5 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

This pterosaur’s name comes from the Greek word “pteron” (wing) and the Latin word “auster” (south wind). It may have used its thousands of bristle-like teeth to strain crustaceans, plankton, and other small aquatic animals. Point Value: 4 Flight: 1.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Quetzalcoatlus northropi

Scale 9 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Named after both the Aztec air god Quetzalcoatl and the Northrup Corporation, this Texan pterosaur had a wingspan of roughly 33 feet (the size of a 2-person airplane) and a height of 16-18 feet! Point Value: 7 Flight: 3. Special restriction: Must be played adjacent to two different level 2 cards.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Tupuxuara leonardii

Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Tupuxuara means “long crested” and has been found along ancient South American coasts. Scientists are not sure if they ate fruit or fish. Point Value: 5 Flight: 2.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Anhanguera blittersdorffi

Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Anhanguera means “Old Devil,” and this pterosaur was found in Brazil. The bumps on the tip of its bill may have helped it stabilize its head when snatching fish out of the water on the fly! Point Value: 5 Flight: 2.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more


Scale 5 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Scaphognathus means “fat snout” in Latin. It has been found in Germany and may have had a good sense of sight. Point Value: 4 Flight: 1.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Tapejara wellnhoferi

Scale 5 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Tapejara means “old being.” This pterosaur has been found in Northeast Brazil. The tip of its lower jaw is turned downward. It may have been a fruit eater, or skimmed the surface of the ocean for fish. Point Value: 4 Flight: 1.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Nyctosaurus gracilis

Scale 4 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Nyctosaurus means “night lizard.” It has been found in the Niobrara Formation of the mid-western United States. Nyctosaurus possesses an extraordinarily large antler-like crest, which is surprising given how small the pterosaur was. Point Value: 4 Flight: 1.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more

Jeholopterus ningchengensis

Scale 3 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Jeholopterus was named after a city near where it was found in Northeastern China. It lived in the forest, hunting insects, and is the only known species in its genus. Point Value: 4 Flight: 1.

Graphic by AMNH's
Not birds or even dinosaurs! Pterosaurs were flying reptiles, the first and largest vertebrates to fly under their own power. You can explore animals and plants that lived during the Mesozoic Era when you challenge your friends to this pterosaurs card game! This card is part of a deck co-designed by youth in the #scienceFTW program at […] read more