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Henri Becquerel

Chemistry Mix n Match

Henri Becquerel was a French physicist who accidentally discovered Radioactivity.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Spontaneous Radioactivity

Chemistry Mix n Match

Discovered by Henri Becquerel, also known as Radioactive Decay.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary


Chemistry Mix n Match

Identified by JJ Thomson, the electron is a subatomic particle, symbol e− or β−, with a negative elementary electric charge.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Marie and Pierre Curie

Chemistry Mix n Match

Other scientists which joined the investigation of radioactivity after Becquerel. Marie discovered source of alpha particles was the radioactive element polonium.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary


Chemistry Mix n Match

Discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Irene Joliot Curie and Frederic

Chemistry Mix n Match

Irene, daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie and wife of Frederic Joliot. Worked on natural and artificial radioactivity, transmutation of elements and nuclear physics. Won the Nobel Prize in 1935 with her husband for their synthesis of new radioactive elements.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Sir Williams Crookes

Chemistry Mix n Match

Investigated the nature of electrical discharges in gases, and invented the Crookes Tube and the Crookes Radiometer.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Curie-Joliot Experiment

Chemistry Mix n Match

Bombarded beryllium with alpha particles which created a beam with high penetrating power. This beam mistaken-ed for gamma rays actually led to the discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Crookes Tube

Chemistry Mix n Match

A Crookes Tube is an early experimental electrical discharge tube, with partial vacuum, invented by English physicist William Crookes.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary