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Pacific White-Sided Dolphin

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3


• Lagenorhynchus obliquidens has a MOVE of 3

• Lagenorhynchus obliquidens can reach speeds of 35 km/h

Cold, Cool, Warm

Graphic by aamdeck

Common Eel Grass

Zostera marina
Scale 6 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1


• Zostera marina has a SPREAD of 1.

• Invasive species have been shown to have a negative effect on eelgrass.


Cool, Warm

Graphic by aamdeck

Sumatran Rhino

Rhinoceros Sondaicus
Scale 8 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2

Play: Rhinoceros Sondaicus has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Rhinoceros Sondaicus is the smallest species of rhinos, and one of the five extant rhinoceroses.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Siau Island Tarsier

Tarsius Tumpara
Scale 6 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2

Play: Tarsius Tumpara has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Tarsius Tumpara is one of the 25 most endangered primates on the surface of the globe.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Sea Otter

Enhydra Lutris
Scale 7 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3

Play: Enhydra Lutris has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Enhydra Lutris skin excrete oils to keep their fur constantly waterproof.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Tragopan Satyr

Tragopan Satyra
Scale 6 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2

Play: Tragopan Satyra has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Tragopan Satyra males grow blue, inflatable horns used to perform special dances in order to win the hearts of the females during mating season.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Probiscus Monkey

Nasalis Larvatus
Scale 7 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3

Play: Nasalis Larvatus has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Nasalis Larvatus is famous for their exaggerated snout.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Generic Plant

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Used as an  autotroph for the time being.

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by O'Reilly Project

Lion-tailed Macaque

Macaca Silenus
Scale 7 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3

Play: Macaca Silenus has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Macaca Silenus can adjust its diet to adapt to environmental changes by eating parts of non-indigenous plants.


Graphic by O'Reilly Project