Western Red Cedar – Leaves – 2
Thuja plicata
It is scale-like.
It is located at UHE school yard.
Graphic by UHEYNC

Bitter cherry-structure
Prunus emarginata
It is a small tree. It has cherry for birds. It is in the UHE school yard by the fence.
Graphic by UHEYNC

Red Alder-Leaves
Alnus rubra
The leaves have no palm.
The margin has teeth.
It is soft.
Graphic by UHEYNC

Bitter cherry-Flowers
Prunus emarginata
It has small, white flowers.
The bark can be used for basket-making.
It is in UHE playground by the fence.
Graphic by UHEYNC

Red Alder-Structure
Alnus rubra
It is May plants.
It is in UHill elementary school.
Graphic by UHEYNC

Red alder – Flower – 2
Alnus rubra
It has brown cones. It is in UHill elementary school yard.
Graphic by UHEYNC