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Coccinella magnifica
Scale 4 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 4


• Lady bugs chew from side to side.

• Lady bugs hibernate in the winter.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Red-Winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• The call of the Red-winged Blackbird is conk-a-reeee. The male’s song is a scratchy oak-a-leeee. • Female Red-winged Blackbirds are dark brown and do not have red wings.

Cool, Warm

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3

• Mallard ducks swim in the water. They dive in the water to get food.

• The male has a green head and his beak is yellow.

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3

• Mallard ducks swim in the water. Their feet are webbed like when we wear fins.

• The female has a brownish body and an orange and black beak.

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Mallard ducks swim in the water.

• The female has a brownish body and an orange and black beak

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Mallard ducks dive in the water to get food.

• The male has a green head and his beak is yellow.


Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Mallard ducks swim in the water.

• The female has a brownish body and an orange and black beak.

Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Male mallards have green heads and yellow beaks.

• Females have a brownish body.


Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan

Mallard Duck

Anas platyrhynchos
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


• Mallard ducks swim in the water.

• The female has a brownish body and an orange and black beak.


Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Graphic by Sara Shayan