My Cards

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Helium (He)

cost: 1 neutron point
Scale 1


Group 18: Noble Gases

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Mendeleev)

cost: 6 neutron points

What is Mendeleev’s nickname/title? (Exact words)

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Mendeleev)

cost: 6 neutron points

How did Mendeleev organize the periodic table? Describe his method.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Chadwick)

cost: 6 neutron points

What element did Chadwick use to develop the atomic bomb?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Chadwick)

cost: 6 neutron points

How did Chadwick discover the neutron? How were gamma rays related to it?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Curie)

cost: 6 neutron points

Name a discovery Marie Curie made regarding radioactive elements.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Curie)

cost: 6 neutron points

For what discoveries/studies did Marie Curie win two Nobel Prizes?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Joliot-Curie)

cost: 5 neutron points

What did the Joliot-Curies bombard aluminium with?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Joliot-Curie)

cost: 5 neutron points

What type of atoms did the Joliot-Curies turn aluminium atoms into in their experiment with radioactivity?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary