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Question Card 2 (Moseley)

cost: 5 neutron points

How did Moseley arrange the periodic table?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Moseley)

cost: 5 neutron points

What is Moseley’s Law?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Rutherford)

cost: 5 neutron points

What two radiation types did Rutherford discover? What were each of them identical to?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Rutherford)

cost: 5 neutron points

Explain Rutherford’s gold foil experiment and his hypothesis vs. what actually happened.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Millikan)

cost: 4 neutron points

How is Millikan related to Planck’s constant?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Millikan)

cost: 4 neutron points

Explain how Millikan discovered the charge of the electron using the oil-drop experiment.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Thomson)

cost: 4 neutron points

Name one of the conclusions Thomson came up with regarding cathode rays after his cathode ray experiment

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 1 (Thomson)

cost: 4 neutron points

List 3 things Thomson discovered, proved and/or invented.

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary

Question Card 2 (Becquerel)

cost: 4 neutron points

What was Becquerel’s initial intention when he was experimenting with uranium salts? What recent discovery was he trying to advance? Who had made this recent discovery?

Graphic by Eric Hamber Secondary