Robert Millikan card
Physicist 1868-1953
Home: USA
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physics, Hughes Medal, Franklin Medal, more
Notable Students: Harvey Fletcher
Quote: My idea of an educated person is one who can converse on a subject for more than two minutes

Discovery/Theory card
Radioactivity - Uranium
Uranium phosphoresces when exposed to light / These rays emitted by uranium cause gases to ionize – identified as radioactivity / Radioactive beta particles are due to high speed electrons leaving the nucleus of the atom

Henri Becqueral
Physicist 1852-1908
Home: France
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physics, Copley Medal, Rumford Medal
Notable Students: Marie Curie
Quote: Although the sun is irrelevant, and he misinterprets the role of phosphorescence, he has discovered the effect of radioactivity.

Discovery/Theory card
Cathode Ray tube
The two electrodes produce a greenish glow called fluorescence when they are connected to power / A beam of negative particles produces a shadow coming from the disk shaped electrode, called a cathode / This lead to scientists realizing that these particles of matter must be smaller than the atom.

William Crookes
Chemist and Physicist 1832-1919
Home: United Kingdom
Awards: Copley Medal, Elliot Cresson Medal
Notable Interest: Spiritualism
Quote: …The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is one of the great discoveries, awaiting the genius of chemists.

Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie (Winnie)
Julia,Vivian,Winnie and Mina
– Husband and wife French physical chemists
– Discovered the new radioactive isotopes prepared artificially
– Awarded with a Nobel Prize in 1935

John Dalton
Chemist 1766-1844
Home: United Kingdom
Awards: Royal Medal
Notable Students: James Prescott Joule
Quote: This paper will no doubt be found interesting by those who take an interest in it.

Discovery/Theory card
Development of Atomic Theory/Laws
Theory: The atom is the smallest particle of indivisible matter / Each element’s atoms are only identical to each other / Atoms of different elements combine in specific ratios to form compounds / In a chemical reaction, atoms are separated, rearranged, and recombined to form new compounds

Joseph John Thomson
Fontaine Chu, Krystal Xie and Ryan Yu POINTS
was an English physicist
discovered the electron in a high-vacuum cathode-ray tube
interpreted the deflection of the rays by electrically charged plates