Thaleichthys pacificus7 POINTS
Play: Thaleichthys pacificus has a move of 2. It must be played next to a food source (phytoplankton) and appropriate habitat (spike rush or eel grass).
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
White Sturgeon
Acipenser transmontanus8 POINTS
PLay: Acipenser transmontanus has a move of 2
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Harbour Seal
Phoca vitulina8 POINTS
Play: This Harbour Seal has a MOVE of 2.
cold, cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Copepoda subclass2 POINTS
• copepoda has a move of 1
cold, cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Class: Bacillariophyceae2 POINTS
Play: Symbiodinium spp has a MOVE of 1
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Eel Grass
Zostera marina2 POINTS
• Zostera marina grows at the water’s edge in the estuary and provides an essential habitat for juvenile fish.
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Spike Rush
Eleocharis obtuse2 POINTS
• Eleocharis obtuse grows at the water’s edge in the estuary and provides an essential habitat for juvenile fish.
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias6 POINTS
• Ardea herodias has a FLIGHT of 2
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary
River Otter
Lontra Canadensis7 POINTS
Play: Lontra Canadensis has a move of 2.
cool, warm
Graphic by Homma Elementary