
Bone Worm
Osedax rubiplumus

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Play: This worm has a MOVE of 1 and must feed off of a whale SPECIES card.
Fact: Osedax rubiplumus is reported to sustain itself on the bones of dead whales.
cold, cool, warm
Graphic by David
Osedax rubiplumus is a species of bathypelagic Polychaetes that is reported to sustain itself on the bones of dead whales. Their paedomorphic males are 0.4–1.1 millimetres (0.016–0.043 in), and have an incompleted prototroch with a posterior hooked chaete. The species have 16 hooks with 6-8 capitium teeth, which have handles that are 18–23 micrometres (0.00071–0.00091 in). The female […] read more