
Opium Poppy
Papaver somniferum

FACT: Opiates (such as morphine and codeine) are isolated from seeds of the poppy.
cool, warm
Graphic by Julia K.
Photo by Louise
Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy,[2] is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. Opium is the source of many drugs, including morphine(and its derivative heroin), thebaine, codeine, papaverine, and noscapine. The Latin botanical name means the “sleep-bringing poppy”, referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. The opium […] read more

Tobacco plant
Nicotiana tabacum

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Fact: Tobacco contains the phytochemical, nicotine.
Graphic by Julia K.
Nicotiana tabacum, or cultivated tobacco, is an annually-grownherbaceous plant. It is found only in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the Nicotiana genus, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into tobacco. It grows to heights between 1 to 2 metres. Research is ongoing […] read more

White Willow
Salix alba

Fact: The drug Salicin is isolated from the bark of the White Willow.
cool, warm
Graphic by Julia K.
Salix alba (white willow) is a species of willow native toEurope and western and central Asia.[1][2] The name derives from the white tone to the undersides of the leaves. It is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree growing up to 10–30 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m diameter and an irregular, often-leaning […] read more

Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa

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FACT: The drug tetrahydrocannabol is isolated from Cannabis sativa.
cool, warm
Graphic by Julia K.
Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous plant in the Cannabis genus, a species of the Cannabaceae family. People have cultivated Cannabis sativa throughoutrecorded history as a source of industrial fibre, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods, and medicine. Each part of the plant is harvested differently, depending on the purpose of its use. […] read more

Coffea Arabica
Coffea Arabica

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FACT: C. arabica contains less CAFFEINE than other commercially available species of coffee.
warm, hot
Graphic by Julia K.
Coffea arabica /əˈræbɪkə/ is a species of Coffea originally indigenous to the forests of the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia. It is also known as the “coffee shrub of Arabia”, “mountain coffee” or “arabica coffee”. Coffea arabicais believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated. Wild plants grow to between 9 and 12 […] read more

Deadly Nightshade
Atropa belladonna

FACT: The drug ATROPINE is isolated from A. belladonna.
cool, warm
Graphic by Julia K.
Photo by Kurt Stü
Atropa belladonna or Atropa bella-donna, commonly known asbelladonna or deadly nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae, native to Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, and some parts of Canada and the United States. The foliage and berries are extremely toxic, containing tropane alkaloids. These toxins include scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which cause a […] read more