Specimen Preservation

Event Card

Play: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played an EVENT card “on top” of one of your SPECIES.
Effect: Negates the effect of the EVENT card.

A zoological specimen is an animal or part of an animal preserved for scientific use. Various uses are: to verify the identity of a (species), to allow study, increase public knowledge of zoology. Zoological specimens are extremely diverse. Examples are bird and mammal study skins, mounted specimens, skeletal material, casts, pinned insects, dried material, animals […] read more

Rough Seas

Event Card
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Play: Can be played at the start of one’s TURN for below effect, and then discarded.
Fact: All other players miss their turn. In effect, the player who uses this card can add an extra three ACTIONS during their TURN.

Graphic by Robert Ballwww.robertmball.com/
In oceanography, a sea state is the general condition of the free surface on a large body of water—with respect to wind waves and swell—at a certain location and moment. A sea state is characterized bystatistics, including the wave height, period, and power spectrum. The sea state varies with time, as the wind conditions or […] read more

Meteorite Crash

Event Card
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A meteorite has crashed, disrupting the entire ecosystem!
Play: on any level 1 or 2 SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and each card lower than it on its food chain.

Graphic by AMNHwww.amnh.org/
A meteorite is a solid piece of debris, from such sources as asteroids or comets, that originates in outer space and survives its impact with the Earth’s surface. It is called a meteoroid before its impact. A meteorite’s size can range from small to extremely large. When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, friction, pressure, and […] read more

I Don’t Think So!

Event Card
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Play: this card on your opponent’s turn when they use an event card against you.
Effect: Stop the effect of their event card and discard both event cards.

Graphic by AMNHwww.amnh.org/

Therapod Attack

Event Card
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In Morocco, scientists found the tracks of a therapod (a type of carnivorous dinosaur) among those of pterosaurs. Did dinosaurs pose a threat to pterosaurs? Evidence is scarce, but some fossils suggest they did.
Play: on any pterosaur SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and leave this card in its place.

Graphic by AMNHwww.amnh.org/
Theropoda (theropod /ˈθɛrɵpɒd/; suborder name Theropoda /θɨˈrɒpɵdə/, from Greek meaning “beast feet”) is both a suborder of bipedal saurischian dinosaurs, and a clade consisting of that suborder and its descendants (including modern birds). Dinosaurs belonging to the suborderTheropoda were primarily carnivorous, although a number of theropod groups evolved herbivory,omnivory, and insectivory. Theropods first appeared during […] read more

Climate Change

Event Card
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The climate has shifted.
Play: on any SPECIES card.
Effect: Discard the SPECIES card and leave this event card on the table, permanently occupying this space.

Graphic by AMNHwww.amnh.org/
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme […] read more