
Kokopelli’s Flying Pies
Event Card
Play: Place this card anywhere on the table.
Effect: This place becomes any TERRAIN of your choosing. Any adjacent cards which are not compatible with this TERRAIN must be immediately discarded.

Bo Overgrazes
Event Card
Play: Place this card on top of any PLANT SPECIES card.
Effect: The PLANT SPECIES card is immediately discarded.

PWT Saves an Endangered Animal
Event Card
Play: This card can be played immediately after your opponent has placed an EVENT card on top of one of your SPECIES.
Effect: Your SPECIES card is protected from the effects of the EVENT card.

Crraw’s Rhyme Attack
Event Card
Play: Place this card on top of any one of your opponent’s SPECIES cards.
Effect: If your opponent can not think of a rhyme for this SPECIES within one turn, this SPECIES is discarded.

Urania’s Meteor Strike
Event Card
Play: This card can be played for below effect and then discarded.
Effect: Urania’s Meteor Strike temporarily warms the whole planet. Any SPECIES card on the table that can survive in the “cold” must be immediately discarded.

Beagle Runs Ashore
Event Card
Play: Can be played at the start of one’s TURN for below effect, and then discarded.
Effect: All other players miss their turn. In effect, the player who uses this card can add an extra three ACTIONS during their TURN.