Climate Change

Event Card
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Play: Place this card on top of any SPECIES card.

Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded. In the same action, this EVENT card then moves to an adjacent SPECIES card. A game of rock-paper-scissors determines whether this 2nd SPECIES card is also discarded. Continue moving the EVENT card and removing SPECIES cards until your opponent wins at rock-paper-scissors. This card can only be played once per game.

Graphic by Keeling
  Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (i.e., more or fewer […] read more

Algae Bloom

Event Card
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Play: Can be played for below effect and then discarded

Effect: You may remove any 2 AUXOTROPHS on the table and place them elsewhere at your disgression.

cool, warm
Graphic by Keeling
An algal bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population ofalgae (typically microscopic) in a water system. Cyanobacteria blooms are often called blue-green algae. Algal blooms may occur in freshwater as well as marine environments. Typically, only one or a small number ofphytoplankton species are involved, and some blooms may be recognized by […] read more

Aeiou’s Virus

Event Card
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Play: Place this card on top of any SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is immediately discarded.

(MUSE deck)

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Free Lunch with Feather

Event Card
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Play: Place this card next to any SPECIES cards.
Effect: On the same turn, you can play any card on top of Free Lunch with Feather disregarding any compatibility with adjacent SPECIES.

(MUSE deck)

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Chad’s Reverse-O-Tron Shield

Event Card
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Play: This card may be played in IMMEDIATE response to any EVENT card.
Effect: Chad’s Reverse-O-Tron Shield deflects any EVENT card and bounces its effects onto your opponent.

(MUSE deck)

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Visit an Old Friend with Mimi

Event Card
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Play: This card can be played immediately for below effect and then discarded.
Effect: You may now rescue one SPECIES card from the discard pile and put it in your hand.

(MUSE deck)

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