Nerd Nite Expansion Pack
2015 – (See Cards/Deck Info | Download – card backs | Purchase)…
This set is associated with the Vancouver Nerd Nite organization, and highlights 9 organisms that were suggested during one of their events. Specifically, organisms were solicited based on “coolness” and/or “peculiarity.” Note that this is an expansion deck and cannot be played on its own.

Bone Worm
Osedax rubiplumus

Play: This worm has a MOVE of 1 and must feed off of a whale SPECIES card.
Fact: Osedax rubiplumus is reported to sustain itself on the bones of dead whales.

Sand Jellyfish
Rhopilema esculentum

Play: This jellyfish has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: The Sand Jellyfish is edible, and is often served in South East Asian cuisine.

Northern Rat Flea
Nosopsyllus fasciatus

Play: The Northern Rat Flea has a MOVE of 2, and must be played adjacent a RODENTIA species.
Fact: This flea is also known for being a minor vector for the plague.