*Prototype DIY Classroom Deck (UHill Elementary)
2014 – (See Sample Cards/Deck Info | Download – card backs | Purchase)…
This deck represents an example of a classroom deck (in this case, a class of Grade 1 students), that uses the information found in the Make section of the projects website. This particular DIY deck was also worked on, so that high quality purchasable decks were made available to the parents and children. Credits go to the teacher (Kate Foreman), the school (U Hill Elementary, Vancouver), and the hard work done by all the kids in her class! You can see some of their “event cards” below.

Home Card
The PACIFIC SPIRIT PARK deck uses content created by students in U Hill Elementary School’s, Division 15, Grade 1 class. Led by their teacher, Kate Foreman, the children did an amazing job researching the forest that lays adjacent to the school!

Event Card
Play: Place this card on any free spot on the table, compatible with forest or grassland.
Effect: No other cards can be placed adjacent to this card.

Plant Disease
Event Card
Play: Place this card on any forest or grassland based SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES is IMMEDIATELY discarded.

Pipeline Oil Spill
Event Card
Play: Place this card on any ocean or freshwater based SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.

Animal Disease
Event Card
Play: Place this card on any animal or bird SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.

Event Card
Play: Place this card on any tree SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.