Four-toothed Wonder Moss
Tetraphis pellucida

FACT: This moss is able to rapidly colonize disturbed sites in two ways: fragmentation and gemmae production via a splash cup gemmiferous shoots, especially in areas where decaying logs are found. However, when dominant competitors appear, like Rhizomnium glabrescens, their sporophytes develop and help propagate them for long range dispersal!

Grey Cushioned Grimmia
Grimmia pulvinata

FACT: This common moss forms hoary, greyish-green cushions. The greyish colour is due to the abundance of hair points that reflect light and decrease precipitation. The sporangia are typically nodding due to the bent setae, and young sporophytes tend to be tucked into the gametophytic cushion.

Rough Moss
Claopodium crispifolium

FACT: Forms moderately dense, dull, yellow-green mats over the substratum. A useful field character for recognizing this species is the chartreuse yellow tint of the shoot tips which often contrasts strikingly with the darker, older proximal portions of the plants.

Goblin’s Gold
Schistostega pennata

FACT: Its common name comes from its unique protonema, which luminesces yellow-green when reflected with light.

Red-Bog Moss
Sphagnum capillifolium

FACT: The common name can be deceiving as it can range from red to pale green in colour. Like other Sphagnum species, it makes its environment acidic via a cation exchange mechanism and can store 30 times its mass in water due to hyaline cells containing pores.

Oligotrichum Moss
Oligotrichum aligerum

FACT: Ability to grow in acidic soil of disturbed banks. Perigonial heads are present in male gametophytes which form a splash cup mechanism for asexual reproduction to occur.

Power Gun Moss
Diphyscium foliosum

FACT: It has a white pleated conical collar instead of the typical arthrodontous teeth usually seen in Bryopsid mosses. When raindrops come into contact with the capsules of the hygroscopic pleated collar, a rapid ejection of spores into the environment occurs! Above is a SEM image of its hairy calyptra.

Contorted Hairy Cap Moss
Pogonatum contortum

FACT: As its name implies, its leaves are greatly contorted when dry. This response to dessication is a result of its relatively low cuticle content in leaves, causing them to have an exaggerated response.

Alpine Haircap Moss
Polytrichum alpinum

Fact: Ability to grow in a variety of environments, including nutrient poor soils and snowy limestone pavement. Their common name refers to the relatively high altitude habitats that they can be found in, including montane and alpine areas.