Dmitri Mendeleev (Mina)
Julia, Vivian, Winnie and Mina
– A Russian Scientisst that created the first periodic table
– Determined that the properties of the elements and made the table to categorize it

(Abdi)Robert Millikan

Question: What experiment did Milliakn do and what did it discover?
Answer: It was called the Oil Drop Experiment and he successfully measured the charge of an electron with it’s mass (9.11×10-28 g)

(Abdi)J.J Thomson

Question: Name 2 thing J.J Thomson did
Answers: He identified electrons and their charge, he discovered the positive particle the Proton, and he developed a more accurate vesrion of the model of an atom(plum pudding model)

(Abdi)William Crookes

Question:Name two things Crookes was credited for?
Answers: He investigated the electrical discharges, and he developed the CRT (cathode ray tube)

(Abdi)Henri Becquerel

Question: What did Henri Becquerel discover?
Answer: Radioactivity

(Abdi)John Dalton

Question: Name atleast three things John Dalton did
Answers: He was the first person to develop the model of the atom, He proposed the atom was the smallest particle of matter. He stated atoms of the same element had the same mass while atoms of different elements had different mass

Discovery/Theory card
The Plum Pudding Model
The plum pudding model was first proposed in 1904.
It is a positively charged ball that has negative electrons evenly spread throughout it.
It is an important step in atomic theory because it is the first model that included the electron and indicated that atoms were made of smaller units.

James Chadwick ( Mina )
Julia, Vivian, Winnie, Mina
– The British Scientist who discovered the neutron in 1932 and won the Nobel Prize in 1935
– Was the leader of the British team in the Manhattan Project to create the world’s first nuclear bomb

Laid Foundation for Thomson

Emma, Rachel, Catherine, Mabel POINTS
This scientists’ work with cathode rays prompted Thomson to observe that the ray was negatively charged, and subsequently discover the electron.