(QUICK LINKS: Decks | plants | mammals | birds | | reptiles | fish | cephalopoda | insects | microbe | events
( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)

Inge Lehmann
1888-1993, Denmark

– Discovered that the earth has a solid inner core inside by a molten outer core.
– She was the first head of the Department of Seismology at the Geodetical Institute of Denmark.

Ada Lovelace
1815-1852, England

– A countess, Lovelace wrote the world’s first computer program for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Machine.
– Was also interested in how individuals and society could use technology collaboratively.

Ursula Franklin
1921-2016, Germany/Canada

– A pioneer in archaeometry, which uses modern material sceince in archaeology.
– Her research on the strontium 90 levels in teeth led to the end of ending of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.
– A fierce advocate of pacifism and feminism, writing extensively on these subjects.


Barbara McClintock
1902-1992, USA

– Won the Nobel Prize in 1983 for the discovery of mobile genetic elements.
– It took 20 years for her major discovery to be accepted.

Event Card
Play: Protection: halts the effects of a development or destruction event.
Fact: Biologists protect species by studying their ecology, managing their populations, and helping to uphold environmental legislation.