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Event CardPlay: Development removes species, recolonized by anthropogenic species.
Fact: Although clearcuts remove some habitat, they emulate natural disturbances and make room for other species to move in.
Forest Fire
Event CardPlay: Disturbance: removes species, but can be recolonized.
Fact: Fire prepares the forest for new plant and animal communities by opening up the canopy and returning nutrients to the soil.
Forest Fire
Event CardPlay: Disturbance: removes species, but can be recognized.
Fact: Fire is frequent in the boreal forest and is responsible for the characteristic mosaic composition of different forest types and ages.
Grey Wolf
Canis lupus7 POINTS
play: The grey wolf has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Wolves will eat 20 to 30 pounds of meat in a single meal after a successful hunt, but can also go up to 2 weeks without food.
Black Bear
Ursus americana4 POINTS
Play: The black bear has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Black bears are omnivores. They help plants disperse their seeds by eating (and then pooping) lots of berries in late summer.
Canada Lynx
Lynx canadensis6 POINTS
Play: The canadian lynx has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Lynx population cycles are closely tied to their main prey-the snowshoe hare-peaking, then crashing sync, every 10 years.