Tupuxuara leonardii
Tupuxuara leonardiiEXTINCT | 5 POINTS
Play: FLIGHT of 2.
Tupuxuara means “long crested” and has been found along ancient South American coasts. Scientists are not sure if they ate fruit or fish.
Jeholopterus ningchengensis
Jeholopterus ningchengensisEXTINCT | 4 POINTS
Play: FLIGHT of 1.
Jeholopterus was named after a city near where it was found in Northeastern China. It lived in the forest, hunted insects, and is the only known species in its genus.
Pterodaustro guinazui
Pterodaustro guinazuiEXTINCT | 4 POINTS
Play: FLIGHT of 1
This pterosaur’s name comes from the Greek word “pteron” (wing) and the Latin word “auster” (south wind). It may have used its thousands of bristle-like teeth to strain crustaceans, plankton, and other small aquatic animals.
Javan Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros sondaicus4 POINTS
Play: Rhinoceros sondaicus has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Rhinoceros sondaicus is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild, and no individuals in captivity.
Barbary Macaque
Macaca sylvanus4 POINTS
Play: Macaca sylvanus has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Besides humans, Macaca sylvanus is the only free-living primate in Europe.
Great Hammerhead Shark
Sphyrna mokarran9 POINTS
Play: Sphyrna mokarran has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Sphyrna mokarran favorite food is stingrays.