Anas platyrhynchos4 POINTS
• Anas platyrhynchos has a FLIGHT of 2.
• Anas platyrhynchos must be placed adjacent to at least one FRESH-WATER containing card.
Brook Trout
Salvelinus fontinalis10 POINTS
• Salvelinus fontinalis has a MOVE of 2.
Salvelinus fontinalis are among the most colorful freshwater species.
Common Blackbird
Turdus merula4 POINTS
Play: Turdus merula has a FLIGHT of 2.
Fact: Turdus merula migrates gregariously (in a flock).
Antarctic Krill
Euphausia superba6 POINTS
• Euphausia superba has a MOVE of 1.
Krill are often referred to as light-shrimp because they can emit light, produced by bioluminescent organs.
Marbled Polecat
Vormela peregusna5 POINTS
• Vormela peregusna has a MOVE of 2.
Vormela peregusna had once been sought for its fur; also known as fitch in the fur trade.
Ethiopian Wolf
Canis simensis9 POINTS • Canis simensis has a MOVE of 2. Canis simensis males never leave the pack into which they were born.