Pharaoh cicada
Magicicada septendecim4 POINTS
• Magicicada septendecim has a FLIGHT of 2
• Magicicada septendecim is also sometimes known as the 17 year locust
Green Darner
Anax junius9 POINTS
Play: Anax junius has a FLIGHT of 2
Fact: Anax junius is one of the largest dragonflies.
Puriri Moth
Aenetus virescens5 POINTS
• Aenetus virescens has a FLIGHT of 2
• Aenetus virescens spends 5 or so years of its life as a grub in a tree trunk, with the last 48 hrs of its life as a moth.
Caribbean Spiny lobster
Panulirus argus7 POINTS
• Panulirus argus has a MOVE of 1, and can only prey on SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or 5.
• Panulirus argus is a SCAVENGER. If removed due to a consequence of an EVENT card, return to your hand.
Copepoda subclass2 POINTS
Play: Copepoda has a MOVE of 1. Can feed Salmon, Blue Whale SPECIES cards.
Fact: Copepoda are primarily transported by ambient water currents
Anisoptera infraorder7 POINTS
Play: Anisoptera has a FLIGHT of 2
Fact: Anisoptera are some of the fastest insects in the world