Ammonoidea subclassEXTINCT | 3 POINTS
Play: MOVE of 2.
Despite their large shells that could grow up to 7 feet across, these predatory, squid-like shellfish were capable of swimming.
Bivalvia classEXTANT | 2 POINTS
Play: MOVE of 1.
The organs of clams are surrounded by watery blood that contains nutrients and oxygen.
Saddled Bichir
Polypterus enlicheri8 POINTS
• Polypterus enlicheri has a MOVE of 2.
• Polypterus enlicheri has poor eyesight. It primarily hunts by smell.
Nembrotha cristata9 POINTS
• Nembrotha cristata has a MOVE of 1.
• Nembrotha cristata can only prey on compatible CORAL or SPONGE SPECIES cards (must be played adjacent to one of these regardless of SCALE)
Flamingo Tongue snail
Cyphoma gibbosum9 POINTS
• Cyphoma gibbosum has a MOVE of 1.
• Cyphoma gibbosum eats CORAL, and must be place adjacent to at least 1 compatible CORAL species card (irrespective of SCALE).
Bigfin reef squid
Sepioteuthis lessoniana8 POINTS
• Sepioteuthis lessoniana has a MOVE of 2. • Sepioteuthis lessoniana can only prey on compatible crustacea and actinopterygii SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or higher.