Microbe Collection
Ongoing – (See Cards)…
This set simply aims to collect “microorganisms” as loosely as defined as those species that are multicellular, singled cell or smaller (essentially SCALE value of 3 or less). Given the incredible diversity and abundance of species in this category, the Phylo project is hopeful that this collection will grow to represent this important part of biodiversity.
Leponcinclis genus2 POINTS
Play: Leponcinclis has a MOVE of 1, and is considered both a MIXOTROPH.
Fact: Leponcinclis is photosynthetic but can also feed off smaller pond organisms.
Netrium genus2 POINTS
Play: Netrium is considered an AUXOTROPH.
Fact: Netrium is an algae of the desmid family.
Nassula species4 POINTS
Play: Nassula has a MOVE of 1, and is considered a HETEROTROPH
Fact: Nassula possesses a basket like feeding apparatus which looks like a group of straight lines.
Korotnevella genus4 POINTS
Play: Korotnevella has a MOVE of 1,and is considered an HETEROTROPH
Fact: Ciliates are characterized by the presence of hair like organelles called cilia.
Hyalotheca genus2 POINTS
Play: Hyalotheca is considered an AUXOTROPH.
Fact: Hyalotheca are a genus of filamentous green algae.
Amoeba genus4 POINTS
Play: Hyalosphenia has a MOVE of 1,and is considered a HETEROTROPH.
Fact: Hyalosphenia is a testate amoeba that has photosynthetic symbionts (the green particles-chlorella)