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( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)
Norfolk Island Pine
Araucaria mirabilis2 POINTS
Fact: Araucarian conifers were dominant during the Jurassic period. They were found in tropical rain forests.
Tuojiangosaurus3 POINTS
Play: Tuojiangosaurs had a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Fed on low growing ferns and cycads. Had four paired spines at the end of its tail that it used for defense.
Omeisaurus3 POINTS
Play: Omeisaurus had a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Predators may have deterred from attacking Omeisaurus, not only because of its huge size, but also because it had a huge bony tail club (and possibly tail spikes).
Tarsophlebia eximia7 POINTS
Play: Dragonfly had a FLIGHT of 2.
Fact: This organism belonged to an extinct family of Odonates from the upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous period of Eurasia.
Williamsonia Gigas
Williamsonia gigas2 POINTS
Fact: This is a seed plant that resembled cycads and belonged to the group, Bennettitales.It produced flowers up to 10 cm in length
Bush Cricket
Archaboilus musicus1 POINTS
Play: This cricket had a MOVE of 1.
Fact: It is believed that the male produced musical songs tuned at a frequency of 6.4 kHz. It fed on leaves and other insects.